Reaction Mechanism Class 12

Important Reaction Mechanisms

Reaction mechanism is also an important topic for Class 12 Board Examination, it definitely award you 2 to 3 marks in Examination. Some frequently asked reaction mechanisms are as follows:

1. Alcohol to Alkene:

2. Alkene to Alcohol:

3. Alcohol to Ether (Ethanol to Ethoxy ethane):

4. Esterification:
The esterification is a kind of nucleophile acyl substitution.  The oxygen of carbonyl get protonated and activate the carbonyl carbon for nuclephilic adition of alcohol. In tertrahedral intermediate, proton transfer the hydroxyl group in -OH2+ group, which being a better leaving group is eliminated as water. The protonated ester so formed finally loses proton and convert in to ester.

5. Cleavage of C-O bond in Ether (Reaction of Ethoxy ethane with H-I):

1. Attack of Grignard reagent on Aldehyde/Ketone:

By: Mr. Satyam Kumar Nigam
