Distinguishing Tests Class 12


In AISSCE, questions of distinguishing tests are compulsorily asked and it awards you at least 2 marks.

There is limited number of distinguishing tests in Class XII Chemistry which can be easily learn and secure marks.

Name of the Test

For which compound

What Happen



Iodoform Test

This test is performed by the compound having Methyl Ketone (CH3CO-) or CH3CH(OH)-.


In the reaction yellow ppt of Iodoform (CHI3) is produced.

1. Ethanal

2. Propanone

3. Butan-2-one

4. Ethanol

5. Propan-2-ol


FeCl3 Test

This test is performed by Phenol.

Phenol gives violet colouration with FeCl3 solution.


NaHCO3 Test (Sodium Bicarbonate Test)

This test is performed by Carboxylic acids (R/Ar-COOH)

Acid produces brisk effervescence with NaHCO3.

All Carboxylic acids such as Ethanoic acid, Benzoic acid etc

Tollen’s Test (Silver Mirror Test)

This test is performed by Aldehydes (Aliphatic/Aromatic)

Aldehydes form Silver Mirror on the inner side of test tube when heated with Tollen’s reagent (Ammoniacal Silver Nitrate)

All Aldehydes such as Methanal, Ethanal, Benzaldehyde etc.

Fehling’s Test

This test is performed by Aliphatic Aldehydes.

Aliphatic aldehydes gives reddish brown precipate of cuprous oxide when warmed with a few drops of Fehling’s solution.

All Aliphatic aldehydes such as methanol, Ethanal, Propanal etc.

2,4-DNP Test (2, 4 – Dinitrophenyl hydrazine test)

This test is performed by the compounds having carbonyl group ( >C=O)

Aldehydes and ketones form yellow or orange precipitate of 2, 4 – dinitrophenyl hydrazone when they react with 2, 4 – dinitrophenyl hydrazine.

All aldehydes and ketones.

Litmus Test

This test is performed by carboxylic acids and phenols.

All carboxylic acids and phenols turn blue litmus red.


All carbylic acids such as Methanoic acid, Acetic acid, benzoic acid etc and phenol.


This test is performed by Formic acid. It is used to distinguish between Formic other acids.

Formic acid reduces HgCl2 to give white precipitate of Hg2Cl2.

Methanoic Acid (Formic Acid)

Hinsberg’s Test

This test is performed by amines and used to distinguish between 1°, 2° and 3° amines.

On treating amines with hinsberg’s reagent (benzene sulphonyl chloride)

1° amines gives N- alkyl benzene sulphonamide which is soluble in alkali (aq. KOH).

2° amines gives N, N- dialkyl benzene sulphonamide which is insoluble in alkali (aq. KOH).

3° amines dosen’t react at all.

1°, 2° and 3° amines.

Carbylamine Test (Isocyanide Test)

This test is performed by 1° amines (Aliphatic as well as Aromatic).

It is used to distinguish between primary amines secondary/ tertiary amines

Primary Amines react with chloroform in presence of alcoholic KOH to form foul smelling carbylamines.

All primary aliphatic amines and aromatic amine such as Ethanamine, Aniline etc.

Azo dye Test

This test is performed by 1° Aromatic amines.

It is used to distinguish between 1° Aromatic amines and 1° Aliphatic amines.

1° Aromatic amines gives Brilliant Yellow. Orange or Red coloured dye on treating with HNO2 followed by alkaline solution of 2-naphthol.

1° Aliphatic amines gives brisk effervescence of N2 gas under these conditions.

Aniline forms Orange dye.

Ethylamine gives N2 gas and primary alcohols.


By: Mr. Satyam Kumar Nigam

PGT Chemistry

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  1. Thank you very much sir.
    From this it is easy to learn distinguishing tests...

  2. thank you sir , your's study material really helps me to learn & review all topics quickly

  3. Thank you so much sir it's really helpful


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